Tuesday, August 5, 2008

River Park 411

On August 17 RPCC is putting on what's called: "River Park 411". If you're not connecting with 411 that's the number you call for information... when you want to look up someone's phone number and then the phone company charges you like a million dollars! Well, maybe a buck and change. (I don't pay for using 411 anymore!!! I call 1-800-free-411.)

August 17 we'll be introducing our launch team and anyone interested to our facility. We'll have creative boards set up in each room with pictures and explanations of how the room will look. We'll also be doing 'mini-church' with some unplugged worship and a message. We'll end with some open Q & A time and have a few goodies and surprises.

Should be a great morning, come check it out!

What is your worst air travel story? Probably not worse than this.

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